A Subdivision is defined pursuant to Section 711.001 of the Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) as the division of a parcel of land into two (2) or more parcels, sites or lots, any one of which is less than five (5) acres for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership notwithstanding the requirements and administrative approval process of Minor Subdivisions in accordance with O.R.C. Section 711.131. Major Subdivisions are those that involve the division or allocation of land for the opening, widening, or extension of any public or private street or allocate land for improvements and/or the extension of utilities usually involving the construction of roadway and drainage facilities, sanitary sewers, water lines and other public or private utilities and services.
A Major Subdivision involves a review process by the Trumbull County Development Review Committee, review and recommendations of the Plats and Zoning Committee and formal action by the Planning Commission Board of a required Preliminary Plan and the Final Plat. An optional sketch plan is recommended prior to submittal of the Preliminary Plan to discuss informally with the developer the procedures and standards contained in the Trumbull County Subdivision Regulations and the requirements and regulations of the various agencies that may be involved in the project.
Subdivider/Developer and Staff
Prior to the subdivision of any land, the subdivider may discuss informally with the Planning Staff, the property proposed for subdivision with reference to existing regulations and procedures at this time it shall be determined by the staff whether it is a major or minor subdivision.
Provides a sketch preferably to scale showing the tentative layout of the proposed subdivision. Information to be shown on the sketch plan is given in Section 308.00.
The overall feasibility of the subdivision can be determined by consultation of the subdivider and planning staff by making use of the sketch plan, tax maps, U.S.G.S. Topographic Maps, highway maps, soils maps, comprehensive plans, thoroughfare plan, zoning maps, and any other information available without doing field surveying. This enables the subdivider to avoid excessive expenses on a subdivision at the very beginning.
If the pre-application discussion of a major subdivision is favorable, the subdivider shall file in the Commission office, not less than fourteen (14) working days before the next scheduled meeting of the Plats and Zoning Committee, a written application along with the appropriate fee and 10 copies of a Preliminary Development Plan covering the entire parcel under consideration, together with plans and other supplemental material as specified in Section 309.00.
Review the application and Preliminary Plan for conformity to Subdivision Regulations, Comprehensive County Plans, Major Thoroughfare Plan, Zoning, if any, and other applicable rules and regulations.
Negotiate with subdivider on changes deemed advisable.
Circulate copies of the plan to other governmental agencies having jurisdiction, asking for comments to be returned within ten (10) working days.
Place the Plan on the agenda of the next regular meeting of the Plats and Zoning Committee for review including staff and agency reports.
Plats and Zoning Committee
Reviews the proposed development plan and all staff and agency reports.
Recommends approval, denial or some modification of the proposed development plan to the Planning Commission Board.
Planning Commission Board
Acts on Preliminary Plat - Gives approval, approval with modifications, or disapproval within thirty (30) days of the date of the meeting.
Files in the Commission office eight (8) copies of the Final Plat which at least ten (10) working days before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission Board;
Is accompanied by a written application and the appropriate fee;
Conforms to the approved Preliminary Plan but may incorporate changes which were necessitated or resulted from the design of the improvements and which were approved by the Planning Commission Board;
May constitute only that portion of the approved Preliminary Plan which the subdivider intends to record and develop at the time;
Is filed within two (2) years of the date of approval of the Preliminary Plan unless an extension was asked for by the subdivider and granted by the Commission;
Review Final Plat for conformance with the approved Preliminary Plan, these regulations, Comprehensive Plans of the County, Major Thoroughfare Plan, Zoning, and other applicable regulations.
Negotiate with subdivider on changes deemed necessary;
Distribute copies of the plat to other governmental agencies having jurisdiction and ask for comments to be returned within ten (10) working days;
Place summary of staff review on the agenda for the next Commission meeting for official action.
Plats and Zoning Committee
Reviews the proposed final plat and all staff and agency reports.
Recommends approval, denial or some modification of the proposed final plat to the Planning Commission Board.
Planning Commission Board
Acts on Final Plat - Gives approval or disapproval along with reasons for refusal in writing within thirty (30) days after plat has been officially filed, otherwise, said plat shall be deemed to have been approved. Approval shall be endorsed on the original tracing of the Final Plat by the Chairman and Director.
Notifies the subdivider in writing of the action taken by the Planning Commission.
Records the Final Plat with the County Recorder within one year of the date of the plat approval by the Trumbull County Planning Commission, and provides the County Tax Department with a reproducible copy of the Final Plat.
A replat shall be required for any changes made to any lot within a previously recorded plat.
A correction plat shall be required to amend any errors found in the previously recorded plat.
A replat or correction plat shall meet all provisions of these Regulations unless otherwise amended and shall comply with the same requirements and procedures as for final plat approval of a major subdivision specified in Section 311.
Transfer without Plat
See Minor Subdivision Section 302 of these Regulations.
Lots in a plat may be vacated by the owner or owners in accordance with the provisions of Section 711.25 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Streets may be vacated by the adjacent owner or owners by petition in accordance with the provisions of Section 5553.04 of the Ohio Revised Code.