Domestic Court Fees Effective 02/01/2024

The Domestic Relations Court conducts hearings on divorces, dissolutions, annulments, legal separations, and hears matters concerning support, custody, visitation and other additional family-related issues.

Complaints including, Divorce, Legal Separation and Annulment

Petitions for Dissolution of Marraige

Answers and Counterclaims with or without Service

Answers Only

Counterclaims with or without Service
(i.e. certification to counsel)

Any post-divorce motion
(with or without service of summons)

Precipe to the Clerk to Issue Rule 58
(Notice by Certified Mail)

Release of Lien

Certificate of Dissolution or Divorce


Motion for Continuance
(Except for Domestic Violence)

Motion to Reinstate

Objections or Motion to Set Aside
(Open or Closed Case)

Agreed Judgement Entry (Without Motion Pending)

Court of Appeals 11th District

Mediation Fees (Per Party First Four Hours),

(Per Party Each Additional Hour)

Special Process Server (one time appointment)

Standing Special Process Server (continuing appointment annual fee)

Foreign Full Faith & Credit Filings





Randy Law serves as the Trumbull County Clerk of Courts which includes the Trumbull County Family Court Domestic Relations Division.

For information concerning court records or Domestic Relations court costs, you can reach the Domestic Clerk’s Office at (330) 675-2627.    The Trumbull County Clerk of Courts website can also be found at

Please note:  Electronic filing has not yet established for the Domestic Relations Division of the Trumbull County Clerk of Courts.  All filings in the Domestic Relations Division shall be made in person or via mail.  Faxed and emailed documents will not be accepted for filing.

Trumbull County Family Court
Attn:  Clerk of Courts, Domestic Relations Division
220 Main Avenue SW
Warren, Ohio  44481