Trumbull County Department of Job & Family Services

Trumbull County Job and Family Services mission is to administer all programs with courtesy, consideration, and respect toward applicants/recipients without attempting to elicit any unnecessary information. Administrative duties should be performed in such a manner as to secure for every applicant/recipient the full amount of aid or services to which he is legally entitled according to program regulations. Assistance is to be administered in a manner to encourage self-respect and self-sufficiency.

Services and assistance should be rendered promptly and humanely with due regard to the preservation of family life, without discrimination on account of race, religion, political affiliation, or sex in a manner consistent with the United States Constitution, Social Security Act, Civil Rights Act and the Constitution of the State of Ohio.

In order to carry out the agency's mission to its full extent, every employee must have the necessary training to understand and fulfill their role in attaining the agency's mission. We must develop a respect for each other as individuals and share our failures while acknowledging individual successes.

We must be willing to break down territorial attitudes and realize that each and every employee needs to be encouraged to participate in how best to achieve our mission throughout the agency.

Each day, we should make it a goal to learn something from someone else as well as to help another employee. We need to always be looking for ways to do things better and be willing to try new ways.

We see it not only our mission to accomplish these things for the residents of Trumbull County but by sharing our successes and failures, that we impart our knowledge and experiences to help other agencies, counties and the State Department well.

This can best be accomplished by improved communications and joint efforts involving people at all levels of the department in how best to accomplish this goal.